Travel LEaders Business News
Travel Leaders Business Travel
Travel Leaders Business News
August 2014

In This Issue:

Never Be Bored Again: The Future of In-Flight Entertainment

Airlines Woo Business Travelers with Swanky Airport Lounges

How to Find the Route Your Plane is Taking 

News Topic 1
Never Be Bored Again: The Future of In-Flight Entertainment

Once upon a time, in-flight entertainment was limited to a family-friendly film being projected onto a flimsy main screen. But on-board offerings have come a long way since then, with diverse content, Wi-Fi, live television, and interactive touch screens now available to travelers. And the airlines aren’t resting on their laurels: There are more options in store, in keeping with the times and technology.

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Additional Articles:

Delta Adds More Extensive Dining Options in Sky Clubs

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Delta Adds Free In-Flight Entertainment

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Why Air Travel is Still Safer Than Ever

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News Topic Two
Airlines Woo Business Travelers with Swanky Airport Lounges

Airlines looking to woo profitable premium-class passengers have been creating an ever-better luxury experience in the sky — and now also on the ground.

Over the past year and a half, more than a dozen airlines have opened, upgraded or revamped their lounges. The list includes new lounges for the major alliances (Star Alliance, oneworld and SkyTeam) in the new international terminal at Los Angeles International Airport, 22,000 square-feet of lounge space for United Airlines’ premium passengers at Heathrow Airport’s new Terminal 2, and a 5,000-square-foot Lufthansa lounge at Newark International Airport.

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News Topic Three
How to Find the Route Your Plane is Taking 

Travelers, corporate travel departments and security consultants are trying to figure out ways to avoid flights that pass over war zones after the revelation that some airlines were avoiding eastern Ukraine while others, including Malaysia Airlines, were flying over areas of conflict.

With a little research, you can build confidence that your airline is avoiding trouble spots—or discover if it isn't. While you won't know for sure the exact path your flight will take on a given day, you can figure out whether your airline routinely skirts certain countries, and the most likely route you'll fly.

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